Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Well from my spot over here on South 9th i can hear Uncle Mark already barking orders and taking names as the ice scultures and flamingos are ushered into the grand hall on Tompkins ave. Also Rumor has it that Anna has prepared a 300 square foot mural of our Lord in his glory for this years back drop in the grand Tompkins hall.... Ah! yes it is true the prapartions for the (shhh don't say the word) " " Brunch have already begun!

Baba suposedly has been cooking kilbossi by Robby's order since Easter Monday of last year and reportedly has amassed several tons... while uncle mark has been working on the pefection of the Pancake flip... Ah yes anticipation is in the air! But is that not the point! Absolutely it is... Good Lent, Bad lent or indifferent Come this Sunday the chips are all in and we wait to see what happens... How exciting!!!!

But i think we all agree a few questions need some answering before this great bash commences....

1) Will JPIII on his first Easter Bash ever in his life absolutely rock the Easter egg hunt and steal the thrown of egg ethuist from his dear sister Kiera? (I think this is an obvious answer)

2) Will Uncle Mark talk of the Eagles "resurection" (notice the lower case "r") ... (obviously yeah he will and the good Lord knows they need one)

3) Will there be any suprise guests that Pete is excited about? ....

4) Will Grandma once again claim her throne on the Nitendo Wii tennis court?

5)Will there bbe a convertable there for the kids to experince what this day is all about ... which obviously is driving around with several young children hanging out of a car screamming at the neighbors and the neighbors wondering if there is a fire somewhere

6) And Finally As the flowers bloom and the birds sing will uncle Pete play the ever so famous 149 Howell drive song?....

One this is for sure... God has blessed us and will surely bless us this " " Brunch

See ya there:)



  1. Gosh I guess no one checks the blog anymore....

    o well:( ahhaha

  2. See you there..........the Branchburg McCabe's are coming late but staying late.... Hopefully we can still make the egg hunt! And don't you dare leave with your special guest until we've met......her?
    I stopped checking the blog 'cause it was kind of quiet....
    149, 149, 149 Howell drive.............

  3. How about some pictures from the Alleluia Brunch!
    I'll put some from our festivities up here.

  4. uh ohhhh... hmm i don't know if anyone took pictures.... I don't even remember a camara!???
